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Coloring the Universe

Investigation total duration
2 hours

Implementation Guide

Use this page to formulate how you will incorporate this investigation into your teaching.

Where/ When does this fit into my class?

How many hours, days or class periods will I need to complete this investigation?

What do I need to do to be ready to teach this investigation?

  • What prerequisites will I need to cover?

  • How will I structure my class (time, student groups, tech, etc.) for this investigation to work well?

  • Is there anything I need to better understand in order to use this activity?

  • How do I plan on assessing student understanding/learning?

What support materials from this investigation will I use?

  • Scientist video

  • Scientist speaker slides

  • Pre/posttest

  • Phenomenon

  • Formative assessment (which type)

  • Summative assessment

  • Extension Activity

From the main Rubin website:

  • If this is the first investigation you are using from Rubin Observatory, you may wish to use images or videos about Rubin Observatory, or about Vera Rubin. These may be found in the Gallery and under the Explore menu.

What are some teaching strategies I can employ?

  • What are some active learning techniques that might support my teaching of this investigation?

  • How will I encourage discussions that promote equity and inclusion?

  • How will I differentiate this investigation, if needed?

Where can I find additional ideas or training?

  • Visit the Professional Development page for additional resources.

  • Check out the Calendar of Events for upcoming workshops or training on this topic.

  • Consider ideas or ask questions of colleagues in the Rubin Educators Community of Practice: