Tutorials and workshops
Tutorials are step-by-step demonstrations of how to access and analyze Rubin data products in the Rubin Science Platform. An updated set of tutorials is provided for each new data release. Tutorials are created and maintained by the Rubin Community Science team, and adhere to the standards defined by Rubin's Guidelines for User-Facing Tutorials.
Tutorials are available in multiple formats: Jupyter Notebooks; command-line python tutorials; and instructions for remote access tools (e.g., PyVO, TopCat).
As part of the Rubin early science program, simulated LSST-like data products have been released as Data Preview 0. A growing set of tutorials is available for self-paced learning, and have been used as the basis for the Rubin Science Assemblies (see below).
Visit the DP0 documentation to get started with tutorials.
Workshops and seminars
There are a variety of live virtual or in-person workshops and seminars that offer learning opportunities to scientists and students working with the Rubin data products and services.
- tutorials that go with a data release
- rubin science assemblies
- rubin data academy
- rubin community workshop
- custom seminars by request
Únase a la discusión
¿Está utilizando los datos de Rubin para hacer ciencia o se pregunta cómo comenzar? Visite el foro de la comunidad de Rubin para recibir noticias, encontrar apoyo y unirse a las discusiones.