Community Science team
More information about the Rubin CST and...
...the Rubin Community Forum.
In order for the model for community science to be scalable and sustainable, a thriving online forum is being built that enables thousands of LSST scientists to crowd-source solutions from a deep reservoir of expertise. A place where users can help users and staff can help users, without knowledge bottlenecks. Everyone is welcome to obtain an account in the Rubin Community Forum and participate.
...Citizen Science.
Given the unique size and complexity of the LSST data set, the CST anticipates that there will be certain scientific results that are only obtainable via citizen science methodologies. The CST will help scientists identify and prepare LSST data and documentation for citizen science programs, and will coordinate with Rubin's Education and Public Outreach (EPO) department and Zooniverse to help ensure that the data are installed and the outputs will meet the program’s science goals. (It is acknowledged that in some circles, the term "citizen science" is evolving, and in some cases terms like "community science" or "public science" are emerging as preferred).
...the Rubin Users Committee.
The Rubin Users Committee is charged with soliciting feedback from the science community (LSST “users”) about the LSST data products and Rubin Science Platform, and recommending improvements in their twice-yearly reports that are delivered to the Rubin Operations director. The CST facilitates the Users Committee meetings, supports their investigations, and implements their recommendations.
...research inclusion in Data Preview 0.
So far, efforts to seed expertise across the community during DP0 have included prioritizing DP0 access to those who identify as under-represented in astronomy; recruitment and engagement activities with researchers at small, minority-serving, and/or primarily-undergraduate institutions; and supporting researcher-led partnerships between institutions. Accessibility studies to implement tools for vision impaired astronomers are underway.
...the LSST Science Collaborations.
The LSST Science Collaborations are independent, worldwide communities of scientists, self-organized into collaborations based on their research interests and expertise. As the first place that many scientists will turn to for support, many aspects of Rubin's model for community science are designed to directly support the LSST Science Collaborations, such as supporting special groups and categories in the Rubin Community Forum; facilitating a Rubin staff liaison program; soliciting expertise and input to the issue resolution process; attending meetings as observatory representatives; and supporting participation in the annual Project and Community Workshop. All Rubin Community Scientists are members of at least one LSST Science Collaboration.
CST Members
All CST members are Rubin staff, and hold the role of "Rubin Community Scientist". Most are employed at either AURA/NOIRLab or DOE sites.
Internally, six team members hold specialized roles: the Lead and Deputy Lead Community Scientists; two Community Scientists for Documentation; one Community Scientist for Citizen Science; and one research inclusion postdoc. Several secondments to the team will be provided by international in-kind programs.
A list of current CST members is available here in the Rubin Community Forum.
The Rubin CST provides user support via the Rubin Community Forum. All new topics posted in the Support category of the Forum will be responded to by Rubin staff. Everyone is welcome to create an account in the Forum and post new topics to ask questions.
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