Events and deadlines
Upcoming Rubin-related events and deadlines for scientists and students.
Resources for scientists
- Rubin Science Platform (how to get data)
- Rubin Community Forum (how to get help)
- Early Science Program
- Workshops and seminars
- Tutorials
- Science Collaborations
- Users Committee
- Research inclusion initiatives
- LSST Discovery Alliance
- Codes of Conduct
Survey, instrument, and telescope
- Key numbers
- Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST)
- LSST Science Camera and Commissioning Camera
- Simonyi Survey Telescope and AuxTel
- Cerro Pachón site
Data products, pipelines, and services
- Data access and analysis
- Recent data releases
- Alerts and brokers
- Data processing pipelines
- Future data products
- Data Policy
Documentation and publications
- Technical documentation
- Data releases
- User guides
- Code packages
- How to cite Rubin Observatory
- Publication polices
LSST Science Collaborations
Independent, worldwide communities of scientists, self-organized into collaborations based on their research interests and expertise. New members are welcome.
Galaxies Science Collaboration
Stars, Milky Way, and Local Volume Science Collaboration
Solar System Science Collaboration (SSSC)
Dark Energy Science Collaboration (DESC)
Active Galactic Nuclei Science Collaboration
Transients and Variable Stars Science Collaboration
Strong Lensing Science Collaboration (SLSC)
Informatics and Statistics Science Collaboration
Citizen Science
Unleash the power of citizen science on the gigantic LSST data set.
Committees and teams
- Science Advisory Committee (SAC)
- Survey Cadence Optimization Committee (SCOC)
- Users Committee
- Community Science Team (CST)
- Research Inclusion Group
- Project Science Team (PST)
Looking for the old webpages?
As content is migrated, old pages might redirect back to this website.
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Rubin Community Forum
Ask questions, get help, report bugs or errors, and join in discussions about Rubin Observatory and its data products, pipelines, and services.