Survey Cadence Optimization Committee (SCOC)
The SCOC (pronounced ess-see-oh-see) is composed of members of the Rubin science community, and is charged to provide recommendations to the Rubin Observatory Operations Director regarding the parameters of the Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST), such as cadence, filter balance, sky regions, and so on.
The charge to the SCOC is in Rubin Tech Note 089.
The recommendation reports from the SCOC are available at
Current Members
- Timo Anguita, Universidad Andres Bello, Chile (Strong Lensing SC liaison)
- Franz Bauer, Universidad Católica, Chile (AGN SC liaison)
- Louise Olivia Violet Edwards, Cal Poly, SLO (Galaxies SC liaison)
- Saurabh Jha, Rutgers University (DESC liaison)
- Rachel Mandelbaum, CMU (DESC liaison)
- Adam Miller, Northwestern University (TVS SC liaison)
- Knut Olsen, NSF’s NOIRLab (SMWLV SC liaison)
- Colin Slater, University of Washington (TVS SC liaison)
- Stephen Smartt, Oxford University (DESC liaison)
- Jay Strader, Michigan State University (SMWLV SC liaison)
- Rachel Street, Las Cubres Observatory (TVS SC liaison)
- Kat Volk, Planetary Science Institute (SSSC liaison)
Non-voting Members
Lynne Jones, Rubin Observatory, ex officio
Federica Bianco, Rubin Observatory, Chair (ISSC liaison)
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