Videos y contenido adicional
Videos y diapositivas
Estos recursos proceden de un taller para profesores sobre esta investigación. Incluyen una charla de un cosmólogo (video de 15 minutos) y las imágenes de apoyo de la charla (diapositivas del presentador).
Video: Keith Bechtol, "El Universo en Expansión visto con el Observatorio Vera C. Rubin"
Diapositivas del presentador
Se puede volver a ver el video de la Esfera de Hoberman (utilizado como fenómeno para esta investigación) y utilizarse para el debate a lo largo de la lección.
Options for Extended Exploration
- Some voids are smaller than others. Is there a relationship between the size of the void and the amount of its surrounding galaxies clustered into walls, bubbles, sheets?
- Are all voids growing over time? If not, can you discover a pattern about the ones that grow vs. the ones that seem to stay the same size or shrink? What might account for what you observe?
- Recent studies suggest that our galaxy may be located in a void. How would you go about verifying this with Rubin Observatory data?
Make Your Own Rubin Voices Trading Card
Use this activity:
- To encourage students to imagine themselves in a STEAM career.
- To Introduce the diversity of people and occupations involved in Observatory operations.
- As a "get to know you" activity