Documentation and publications
Technical documentation
Software user guides, data release documentation, and technical notes on algorithmic components, design requirements, verification and validation metrics, and more.
How to cite Rubin Observatory
Citable publications and standard acknowledgement statements are available for those preparing funding proposals or journal articles.
Publication policies
Different policies apply to all Rubin data rights holders, Rubin staff, Commissioning team members, and Science Collaboration members.
Key numbers
A quick reference for commonly-used values related to Rubin Observatory's telescope, site, camera, and survey.
Name use guide
Guidelines for use of names related to Rubin Observatory's telescope, site, camera, and survey.
Can't find something?
Glossary and Acronyms
Look up Rubin-related terms and acronyms in English and Spanish.
Rubin Community Forum
Ask questions, get help, report bugs or errors, and join in discussions about Rubin Observatory and its data products, pipelines, and services.