Rubin Community Forum
The Rubin Community Forum provides traditional "helpdesk" functionality, but with the additional power of crowd-sourced solutions. It offers scalable, sustainable support for Rubin's unprecedentedly large science community.
Create an account
Everyone using the Rubin data products, services, and tools to do scientific research is welcome to create an account. Students are especially encouraged to use the Forum.
Visit the Rubin Community Forum to get started.
Ask a question and get support
Create a new topic in the Forum's Support category to ask a question about anything Rubin-related. All new topics in the Support category will be followed-up by Rubin staff. Beginners, students, and "naive" questions are all very welcome.
Learn how to ask a question in the Forum.
Confidential support is available.
The power of crowd-sourced problem solving
Rubin data products and services will be used by thousands of scientists and students worldwide, and a traditional email-based "helpdesk" will not scale.
In order to enable crowd-sourced problem solving and build a self-sustaining Rubin science community, the Rubin Community Forum is built on the Discourse platform.
Everyone is encouraged to jump in to discussion threads and help by sharing their experience, knowledge, and solutions to others' questions.
Rubin Community Forum
Ask questions, get help, report bugs or errors, and join in discussions about Rubin Observatory and its data products, pipelines, and services.
Functionality and terminology
It is not necessary to know any of this before using the Forum - just jump in and get started.
But in case it's useful, here are some basics.
The main landing page of the Rubin Community Forum has an expandable banner (header) with instructions for how to use the Forum to ask questions, join discussions, and stay informed.
High-level themes to organize topics. Only Rubin staff can create new categories. Browse categories using the list that appears at right on the Forum's landing page.
A topic thread starts with a single post, which other Forum users can reply to. Topics are stored in categories. All logged-in Forum users can create new topics. All topics in the Support category are treated as support ("helpdesk") requests and are followed-up by Rubin staff.
Learn how to create a new topic.
A topic can have any number of tags, or none. Tags are useful as a secondary means of organization (after categories). All logged-in Forum users can create new tags when posting a topic.
Click on the magnifying glass to search the Forum for topics by keyword, date, tag, etc.
Learn how to search the Forum effectively.
The attributes of a user's account, such as username, profile picture, and notification settings. To edit profile preferences click on the default profile picture in the circle at upper right, then the person icon.
Groups and trust levels
New Forum users start in the trust level 0 group, which limits some Forum functionality. Trust level increases automatically with Forum engagement.
Learn more about Discourse trust levels.
Joining other Forum groups is optional. Groups serve to identify Rubin staff teams, committees, and Science Collaborations.
See a list of all Forum groups.
Private messages
Public posts of topics for open discussion is encouraged as the primary mode of using the Forum, but private messages between users (and groups) are also possible.
Learn how to send a private (direct) message.
Flags and moderation
All Forum users can flag topics (or individual reply posts within a topic) for moderation for a variety of reasons (e.g., off-topic, spam, offensive). Rubin staff will take appropriate action.
Learn how and why to flag a post.
It is not necessary to learn all the details of Forum functionality before creating topics or posting replies, but for those who would like it, Discobot provides a hands-on tutorial.
Find many more topics about how to use the Forum.