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Resources for scientists

Rubin Science Platform (get started here!)

All data from the Rubin Observatory are processed and calibrated, and made available as science-ready images and catalogs via the Rubin Science Platform.

Rubin Community Forum (get help here!)

The Rubin Community Forum is designed to provide scalable support for scientists and students across the global Rubin community.

Early Science Program

Enabling science during commissioning and the first year of survey operations, up to and including Data Release 1 (DR1).

Workshops and seminars

Virtual and in-person events to learn more about Rubin Observatory, network with colleagues, and present scientific results.


Demonstrations of how to access and analyze Rubin data are available as self-paced tutorials that accompany each data release.

LSST Science Collaborations

The eight independent, self-organized LSST Science Collaborations offer opportunities to network with colleagues in various astronomical fields.

Users Committee

The Users Committee solicits feedback from all users and advocates on their behalf for improvements to the science-ready data products and analysis tools.

Research inclusion initiatives

Research inclusion is a key goal for Rubin Observatory.

LSST Discovery Alliance

A non-profit organization that enables financial support for Rubin-related science.

Codes of conduct

All members of the Rubin community are expected to abide by the codes of conduct.