Videos and Auxiliary Content
Videos and Slides
These resources are from a teacher workshop on this investigation. They include a talk (15 minute video) from an expert in this astronomical topic and the accompanying talk visuals (speaker slides).
Video: Federica Bianco, "Explosions in our Data"
Speaker slides
An Explosion of Supernovae slideshow
Boom! video (2 minutes, English)
Boom! video (Spanish)
Profile: Anais Möller, Supernova scientist
Options for Extended Exploration
- Compare the distances obtained from Type Ia supernovae to the distance obtained from galaxy redshifts. Are they in close agreement? Do the values get more different from each other with increasing distances?
- Find a common set of galaxies in Rubin Observatory data that have both a Type Ia supernova and a Cepheid variable star, and calculate the distance to the galaxies using the two techniques. How much in agreement are the distances? Do the values get more different from each other with increasing distances? If so, which value do you think is more reliable?
Make Your Own Rubin Voices Trading Card
Use this activity:
- To encourage students to imagine themselves in a STEAM career.
- To Introduce the diversity of people and occupations involved in Observatory operations.
- As a "get to know you" activity